Friday, December 14, 2012

December 14, 2012


It's the Holiday Season

Thank you for all the positive feedback regarding this blog!  It certainly makes it easier as I sit to write the second installment.  We continue to have busy days as we move toward our Christmas break. 

We began December with a beautiful Advent Mass on the first Sunday of the month that was well attended by both Mercy and Xavier families.  Fr. John Gallagher, OFM Cap.  came to celebrate Mass from St. Pius X parish in Middletown with the Home and School Association providing breakfast.  It really was a great way to start the Advent season.


Our hallways continue to be decorated for Christmas.  The Sophomores have chosen “A Charlie Brown Christmas” as their theme and I am really impressed with the work they put into their design. 


You will have to sign up for our new @MercyMiddletown Twitter account to hear who the winner of the hallway contest is!  The Mercy Twitter account is new in the past two weeks and we are very excited about being able to keep students, parents and alumnae up to date on what is happening here.  You can just click here: to see what has already been posted.  If you have a Twitter account then sign up to follow us and you will know the latest!

Speaking of social media, we were privileged to have three Middletown Police Department Youth officers and a representative from the Middletown Youth Services come to speak to the student body regarding bullying and online safety.  We all learned a great deal about what type of information we should be sharing on facebook, twitter and other social media sites.  There was also an opportunity for parents to attend the same presentation in the evening.  Hopefully our young women will be more mindful of what they are sharing with others and their overall online presence.


On Tuesday, December 11 the Student Council officers and NHS officers attended the Chamber of Commerce breakfast and heard Governor Dannel Malloy speak.  What a great opportunity for our young women to meet government officials and see members of the business community.  Pictured below are the student council and NHS officers with the Governor and Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman.

On Wednesday, December 12 we had our annual Winter Concert.  I want to congratulate Mr. Link and the members of the Concert and Chamber Choirs, Choralations, Wind Ensemble and "No Man's Band" on presenting such an entertaining and enjoyable evening.  The auditorium was packed with parents and friends and we certainly were put into the holiday spirit!  Don't they all look great!


Our Mock Trial Team has begun to compete at the Middlesex Superior Courthouse.  The first week they went in as the defense against Xavier High School.  They all were looking very “lawyerly” as they prepared to leave school last week!  Today, (December 14)  they will argue for the prosecution.  Good Luck!


Upcoming Events:

·         On Saturday, December 15 our Chamber and Concert Choirs will be Caroling at 6:00 p.m.  at Lake Compounce.  For more information click here.

·         I know that we can hardly believe it but the Christmas Break begins next week with our last day of school being Wednesday, December 19.  I’m told that it is quite a day of celebration so no one wants to miss it!  We will return to school on Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013.

·         When students return it will not be very long before they will begin to prepare for Midterm Exams.  The second quarter will end on January 11th with Midterm Exam week being January 14 – 18.  Stay tuned for more specific information in later blogs!

·         The winter sports season has begun!  I attended my first Varsity Basketball game and it really was enjoyable.  Hopefully you’ll be able to attend some home games!  Click here to see the schedule for Freshmen, JV and Varsity Basketball teams:  Basketball Schedules

·         The Indoor Track team is also competing.  Their competitions occur at Floyd Little Athletic Center in New Haven.  If you are able to travel there, take a look to see their schedule.  I know they would love to see some Tiger supporters!  Girls Indoor Track Schedule

·    Our school store does have a great deal of “Mercy Wear” available for purchase.  Take a look at our Athletic Director and head basketball coach, Mr. Tim Kohs as he sports one of the new Nike shirts!  Stop in anytime from 7:15 – 3:15 pm to purchase Mercy apparel.

May you all have a very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year. 
Be well.