Wednesday, November 13, 2013

We are Grateful

We have had many events and activities already in this month of November.  We are grateful for the parents, faculty, staff and students that participated and helped to make these days great!  Here is a look at our most recent events!


Halloween arrived the day before Walk-A-Thon and many students who had permission to be out of uniform could come that day in costume.  Faculty and students alike arrived in very creative attire!
Here's Mrs. Malafronte as a member of the senior class of 2014 and Ms. Grassi as the "Iron Chef"!

Mr. Harley with soccer team as Team USA!


The walk-a-thon is an event that I have found is anticipated with great joy and eagerness.  Students work hard to collect their contributions and advisor groups have friendly competitions to get that coveted first group walking place.  This year, walk-a-thon day arrived with a deluge of rain!  It was decided, in true Mercy spirit, to dance instead of walk!  Pictures from the day:


Open House
On Sunday, November 3rd we welcomed potential Mercy students and their families at our Open House.  What was most impressive was the number of Mercy Women who volunteered their time to be Mercy Ambassadors; leading tours and sharing information about their clubs, activities and classes.  There were over 300 Mercy students here and we are still receiving compliments about their presence and helpfulness that day.  We are very pleased with the number of visitors we had at Open House and look forward to the placement test on Saturday, November 16!


It was great to have Mercy Alumnae with us at Open House as well!

Jesuit College Fair

On Monday, November 4, we hosted a mini Jesuit college fair for our junior class.  Admissions representatives from institutions such as Fordham University, St. Peter’s College, and Loyola University set up in the multipurpose room to give our juniors an opportunity to ask questions and receive information as they begin their college search.  A group of six seniors also spoke to the juniors about their own college search and application process.  It was a great opportunity for the seniors to share with the juniors some recent lessons learned and hopefully pass on a few tips for success.


Meet Me in St. Louis

The Mercy/Xavier drama production of “Meet Me in St. Louis” was a rousing success!  Both nights saw the auditorium filled with happy theater goers.  Congratulations to Mrs. Dastoli and her cast and crew for such a well-produced show!




Congratulations to our fall team athletes on seasons well done!  Soccer, Volleyball, Cross Country and Swimming/Diving all went on to compete in State level competitions and made us proud!  For results of the state playoffs go to:  CIACTournament Central  


Upcoming Events:

 November continues to be filled with activities that we look forward to with great anticipation:


·   National Honor Society Induction will take place on Thursday, November 14 at 7:30 p.m.
·   The Father-Daughter Dance is Friday, November 15 from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.  Tickets are being sold during lunch periods this week.  Prices are $25 for a daughter and her father. The cost for each additional daughter is $10.
·   Class of 2018 Entrance Exam is on Saturday, November 16 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.  If you know of an eighth grade girl who is interested in taking this exam, you may find more information at:  Mercy Entrance Exam
·        Progress Reports:  The first progress report for the second quarter is scheduled to be posted after 3:00 p.m. on Friday, November 22.
·        Pie Baking: Please join us on Monday, November 25 at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria to bake delicious Thanksgiving pies for the less fortunate in our local area.  For over 30 years, Mercy students and their parents have participated in this fun-filled evening baking over 300 pies.  The apple and pumpkin pies are donated to the Middletown Community Thanksgiving Project and the Shepard Home.  This evening is a wonderful opportunity to socialize while doing something “good” during the holiday season.  Students may use this time as community service hours!!  Please sign up by contacting Mrs. Maria Bergan at by Thursday, Nov. 21st to register.
     Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated towards this effort.
Note:  Please bring an apron, measuring spoons, measuring cups – 1, 2 and 4 cup size, knives, large mixing bowls, vegetable peeler, roller pin, and a paring knife.
And for those who plan ahead.....
  • Home and School is selling poinsettias direct from the grower again this year.  Orders are due by November 26. For more information click:  Poinsettia
  • The Mercy/Xavier Family Advent Mass and Breakfast is scheduled for Sunday, December 8 with Mass at 10:00 a.m. followed by breakfast at 11:00 a.m.  The RSVP deadline is December 2nd.  To RSVP please click:  Advent Mass 

Be well.